WEBMASTERS.COM 4Admin™ Upgrades Log
This a log of upgrades, updates, and other changes to applications, control panels, and other core server software.*
Sometimes, we overshare.
While some updates are general and quite noticeable, such as interface changes, many happen under the hood -- and the nerds in control are quite
happy to share the details with you.
Last Update: <03/21/25>*
Current software versions for this server: (live as of this moment -- full information available in Server Specs) *
- Debian Linux 10.10
- Apache Apache/2.4.38
- PHP 7.3.29
- MariaDB 10.3.29 (MySQL Compatible)
- TLS v1.3
- OpenSSL 1.1.1d
Our new servers and control panels have been updated and streamlined for better performance and to remove outdated programs and functions.
Welcome to the future.
--- System --- ---
Upgrades and updates to core server software and 4Admin™ Control Panel tools will be listed here:
ex: Software versions of PHP, new functions and bug fixes in DNS Manager, File Manager, etc
* A note about core upgrades: We use the standard Debian Linux kernel package which may take longer to release some newer software versions,
but allows for much greater software compatibility and more server stability.
A rather persistent bug in the Spam Filter which had been preventing the Enable/Disable for All functions to properly update, was finally squashed.
01/17/25: PHP 8.x (Debian 12.x) and a new, upgraded Control Panel are coming...
We are working behind the scenes to make PHP 8.x with an all new control panel, website(s), and overall upgraded interfaces available as soon as possible.
More information will be provided as soon as we're ready to begin offering new servers for migration and or setup.
Stay tuned...
WordPress Autoinstaller has been updated to 6.6, latest.
WordPress Autoinstaller has been updated to 6.4.3, latest.
A small bug was squashed in Disk Usage to allow for the correct calculation of -all- additional databases on the account.
*** Users with large databases may see a now sudden jump in overall disk space used. This should not cause any real issues or concern, but Support can adjust your quota to compensate, if needed.
The physical space was already in use, just not being accurately accounted for due to the bug in question.
Zen Cart Autoinstaller has been updated to the PHP 7.4 compatible version 1.5.8a (on our PHP 7.4 servers).
WordPress Autoinstaller has been updated to 6.3.1, latest.
The Addon Domains DNS tool has been updated to allow for entry of /subnets (such as x.x.x.x/24) which is commonly used by SPF records.
PHP 7.4 (Debian 11) is now the default for new hosting signups!
These new servers also contain compatible updated versions for our Autoinstaller software:
- WordPress has been updated to 6.2
- Joomla has been updated to the 7.4 compatible version 4.3.0
- Drupal has been updated to the 7.4 compatible version 8.9.20
- Moodle has been updated to the 7.4 compatible version 4.0.8
- Webcalendar has been updated to the 7.4 compatible version 1.9.1
- phpBB3 has been updated to the 7.4 compatible version 3.3.10
The general hosting server release "in-place" update of 7.3 to 7.4 is coming... more information will be provided in advance.
Migrations for current PHP 7.3 hosted domains are also available by request.
Looking further ahead: Debian 12 and PHP 8.x+ ...stay tuned...
Various under-the-hood and clean-up updates have been made (menus, etc).
Wordpress Autoinstaller has been updated to version 6.2, latest.
Wordpress Autoinstaller has been updated to version 6.0.3, latest.
A minor bug that caused incorrect disk space usage to be shown in the control panel status has been fixed, and
the display has also been updated to now show usage in gigabytes (GB) as well as megabytes (MB).
*** Your disk space may now appear different after the recalculation is completed, but usage itself has -not- actually changed. ***
06/01/22: - DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance) for email authentication
has been added as default for all new domains/addons created going forward. This record will also now be restored when using DNS Manager (or Addon Domains-> DNS) to restore defaults.
- is used to verify SPF records for mail for major ISPs and providers like Gmail/Hotmail.
- authenticates SPF via your DNS zone record.
- can also be manually added for current domains by entering the following line into your DNS Manager: (replace live.demo as needed)
_dmarc.live.demo. IN TXT "v=DMARC1; p=none; ruf=mailto:postmaster@live.demo; fo=s;"
Once you're sure your mail is behaving as it should, you can also choose to change p=none to p=quarantine . This instructs, Gmail for example, to send suspected, unauthenticated
(not from you) mail to the recipients spam box). WARNING the quarantine option could cause recipients to miss valid mail (because it will be sent to spam) if it is not perfect and is
not generally recommended without reviewing reports and after further configuration (pct= rua=).
* The default setup shown above should be sufficient in most cases.
ruf=mailto: the address to send failure reports to. It can be changed, to your liking, but set to postmaster@ by default.
(This mailbox has to be created to use).
- A bug was fixed in the process of domain removal in regards to purging of the IP from our DNS servers. This would require that an IP address had to be manually purged by Support when,
in the rare circumstance, a domain was removed and then recreated with a new IP. (switching addons to hosting, changing an addon to a subdomain, etc)
The 4Admin™ nightly manager, CUSTODIAN and automation service, AutomatiCRON disk monitoring features have been upgraded and improved.
SSL Certificate navigation, information, and links have been updated. Shared SSL install was removed as it is no longer a viable option.
While our free Let's Encrypt SSL is still highly recommended, the instructions for a failed install recovery of other type SSLs has also been updated.
- A bug that could cause unintended logouts between some server and account (4admin) control panels when using the [ Control Panel ] bottom button, has been fixed.
Wordpress Autoinstaller has been updated to version 5.9.1, latest.
Happy New Year!
- A bug was fixed on the main - Change Password utility that was causing display and JS anomalies. (It did not seem to break password changes).
- A bug was fixed with Change Passwords (in the main 4admin.com Control Panel) which may have prevented password updates. (previously, there would have been no response upon selecting "Save Changes")
- Database Admin has received a substantial update.
Databases can now be restored from our automatic backups or from a backup created using the Export option (without assistance from Support!) by selecting
the database and the backup you wish to restore.
- "24hr Backup" - is the daily backup which is created every 24 hours (overnight EDT)
- "Weekly Backup" - is created every Sunday
- "Exported" Backup - is created explicitly by you, through this utility with the Export option. This file resides in /storage/databases/
(!) The database will be restored from the selected backup, immediately overwriting the current version.
If you run into an issue or need assistance, please make a request to
Support (will open a new mail window).
Please be sure to include the exact database name, i.e. yourusername_db2 and as much information as possible.
- Email Manager (and "Email" under Addon Domains) and the Mailing List Manager - have been updated to correct some bugs preventing CSV file mailbox imports.
It will be necessary to re-install your list to update the program if you need to utilize this function.
- Webmail - A potential issue (browser software warning) about SSL connections has been addressed. All Webmail connections are fully secured upon login.
- An issue with individual user control (Manage) settings was identified and fixed.
- IMAP (Courier) - has been patched to address an issue regarding an error with Unicode/UTF messages.
- Debian Linux has released Debian 11 which includes PHP 7.4.
-- This has -not- yet been implemented. We have to make sure everything is compatible and perform reviews and testing, but wanted to mention it here, as inevitable.
Since the inception of our new servers, PHP versions have rolled out and replaced the current version (now PHP 7.3). This has had minimal to no effect on our clients, but can
sometimes require PHP script changes.
This could still be a ways off yet, but more information will be made available and could change as we review and plan for the future.
- Debian Linux has been updated to 10.10
- SSL connections have been upgraded to disallow older protocols (TLS 1.0/1.1 SSLv2/v3) for increased security.
(This will also improve the over all score or rating for your secured sites on SSL tests)
- The basic template for subscribing (subscribe.htm) and the Help document for the Mailing List Manager has been updated to properly reflect the new URL format.
- Mailing List Manager has been updated to allow the usage of custom SMTP servers (such as the Spam Free SMTP server).
* To enable this feature for existing lists, please uninstall and reinstall your list (no data should be lost) *
Please see the Documentation in the Mailing List Manager itself for more information on adding your custom SMTP.
- A bug that was preventing disk space usage calculation has been squashed.
- A few more password and entry form bugs have been fixed.
Happy New Year!
- A bug in Mailing List Manager preventing new list creation has been squashed.
- Cleanup routines for Webmail maintenance have been updated and improved.
- A display bug in the control panel status for Databases (when there are 0 databases) has been fixed.
- A bug preventing user creation and password changes in Access Control has been fixed.
- Debian Linux has been updated to 10.7
- MariaDB is now 10.3.27
- The PHP module mcrypt has been installed and is now available for use.
- Several bugs involving file import capability have been corrected for tools such as Traffic Blocking
- General updates and bug fixes continue for our main sites, but the majority have now been completed and squashed.
Thank you for all your patience during this time period!
- Several updates have been made to correct a small bug with un-installation in the Autoinstaller
- Many updates have been made to this (v5.0) and other control panels throughout our system.
- Most notably is the standardization of passwords:
Passwords are 5 to 15 characters. Valid characters are: aA-zZ, 0-9, ! # % ^ & *
- Many input forms have also been updated for better clarity.
- Overall control panel speed has been greatly improved!
- MariaDB has been updated to 10.3.25
- 4admin.com and webmasters.com have been updated and should no longer show any SSL errors.
- The spam filter captcha system is now (back) in place. Users that contact you which might be spam, will be presented with a page (as before) from a link in
their return email to allow them to enter a code to white list and send their message.
- A small subdomain record issue has been corrected (mainly only present when restoring the zone file)
- (!) Users encountering errors sending email to 3rd parties, such as Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo,
etc are advised to use the Recommended Settings for SSL located in the Email Manager
(and under Addon Domains -> Email) when setting up mail applications. As security enforcement tightens across the internet, these settings will help to authenticate
that your mail is coming from your server and by extension, your domain.
- Debian Linux has been updated to 10.6.
"This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems."
- Work continues on the upgrade of webmasters.com and 4admin.com - until complete, SSL connections will cause an erorr which can be bypassed by your browser.
Please note that any payments made to Webmasters are completed on a completely separate and secure system which does not have any issues. We apologize
for our dust, and appreciate your patience while we complete our work.
- Webmail has received some internal updates which should improve the response and overall load times.
- Debian Linux has been updated to 10.5.
"This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems."
- MariaDB (MySQL)->10.3.23 received an update which also addressed a low default limit setting.
- File Manager has been updated with a "[httpdocs/]" button which will return you to the top level (public html directory) from any location.
- Debian Linux (buster) has received multiple security and other updates to programs and libraries, such as:
clamav, imagemagick, and PHP 7.3 (apache2,cli,curl,gd,imap,intl,mbstring,mysql,opcache,soap,xml,etc) -> 7.3.19
- A bug on 4admin.com which could cause a simultaneous login attempt has been fixed. If the browser has stored or auto-filled logins for more than one
account type, i.e. Web Hosting and Domain Registration, both boxes would populate and the login would fail until the other was cleared.
The issue has been resolved and only the intended, focused entry box will attempt login when ENTER is selected.
- The PHP sendmail_path default setting has been adjusted. This is to address an issue which was creating back-scatter emails to form users
where the PHP mail() command (using the sendmail_path) caused the server to send an email to yourusername@ns200.webmasters.com (which doesn't exist)
from the person filling out the form.
Even though the form message would be correctly delivered, this could result in the error: Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name._(#5.1.1)
Obviously, that creates confusion, so this adjustment will prevent this from happening in these circumstances.
- Virtual and Managed Server users will now see further information in the domain name drop down menu.
Visual indicators have been added to distinguish accounts that use Let's Encrypt SSL |LE SSL|, and or active mail |M| or databases |DB|
- Debian Linux has received a few more updates: gnutils and the kernel
- Zen Cart has been updated to 1.5.6c (PHP 7.3 compatible)
- These Debian Linux components have received updates: exim, dpdk, and bind9
- Several Autoinstaller apps have been updated:
- SMF Forum has been updated to the PHP 7.3 compatible 2.1 RC2
- osTicket has been updated to 1.14.2
- phpBB3 has been re-added and updated to the PHP 7.3 compatible version 3.3.0
- Mailing List Manager has received some cosmetic updates, now 2.7
- Nearly every control panel component has received further small updates to fix a few issues and make them a little more mobile friendly.
This should help with display where wide text needs to remain unbroken to be legible. The Error Log and Scheduled Scripts (CRON) in
particular are the most noticable.
- Debian Linux has been updated->10.4, and includes many updates to many programs and security features.
- Let's Encypt SSL (our "secret" under-the-hood project mentioned previously) is now available to all clients using our new servers (that's you!).
Let's Encrypt (LE) is free, automatically renewing, hassle-free, SSL that is designed to set-it-and-forget it.
Our LE setup is currently in beta and has no client interface (other than information), so all that means is we will have to add it for you.
If you would like to take advantage, please see the new Let's Encrypt SSL option in the SSL Certificate tool for more information.
- The Email Manager Recommended Email Settings have been updated to put a greater focus on SSL settings as more networks require, or perform better
in most cases when SSL is enabled.
- The Spam Filter's 550 return message (Captcha) has been updated to use a secured 210.webmasters.com URL (previously 4mail.com)
- The imagick PHP extension for Image Magick is now available for use on your server.
- TLS security has been updated.
- The Debian Linux kernel has been updated.
- As previously mentioned, the new 4Admin™ DATACRON service is now active. Databases can now be restored from a nightly or weekly (Sunday)
backup at request, by Support.
* Manual backups can be made at any time by using the Export feature of the Database Admin and is highly recommended.
- Improvements are being made to the nightly backup system to make MySQL database backups available as exported .sql files which will be able to
be restored on request. In the future, the Database Admin interface will be updated to allow this to be done client-side.
- 4Admin™ CUSTODIAN nightly manager has received a small update to help continue keeping everything nice and clean.
- The IMAP mail server was updated to fix a bug with an older software handler and folder operations (now using GAM).
- TLS has been updated to subvert a potential vulnerability.
- Preparation and updates are being done under the hood for a highly requested and upcoming new feature. Stay tuned...
- The Moodle Autoinstaller has was further updated to provide better install help and correct an error.
- WebCalendar Autoinstaller has been updated to version 1.3.0, latest.
- A small bug has been fixed with the Database Admin to correct the allowed password length (5 to 15 characters).
- Wordpress Autoinstaller has been updated to version 5.3.2, latest.
- Moodle's Autoinstaller has also been updated to version 3.8.1, latest (which is compatible with PHP 7.3+)
- Debian Linux has been updated->10.3, and included small updates to PHP->7.3.14, MariaDB (MySQL)->10.3.22, and others.
- The osCommerce Autoinstaller has been updated to fix a bug in database creation which was affecting installation.
- 4Admin™ PROCESSOTRON has been updated to better catch and restart downed services.
PHP 7.3 and TLS 1.3 are now up and running!
As previously stated:
*Newer versions of PHP (7+) are far more backwards-compatible and forgiving then previous versions, but changes may still be needed.
- The IonCube PHP Loader 10.3.9 has been installed handle protected code and is now available.
- This update also included version upgrades to Debian Linux->10.2, Apache->2.4.38, OpenSSL->1.1.1d, MariaDB (MySQL)->10.1.41, and others.
- Updated File Manager Change Permission menu with some common permissions and fixes.
- Updated Wordpress installer to better handle updates and upgrades from the start. (i.e. updating to 5.2+ should work without an issue)
- Testing continues for PHP 7.3 and if all goes well, we'll be moving there, along with TLS 1.3 as soon as possible.
- Input CSS (style) entry items have been enlarged for easier use as part of our ongoing process to revamp the UI.
- The PHP Manager "View All PHP Configurations" option has been improved to better work with test sites (Alternate URL) and documentation has
been updated for a workaround if there are issues.
- The Wordpress Autoinstaller item will now reflect the version available to install -and- the currently installed version (using the information from the
wp-includes/version.php file) to avoid confusion or overwrites.
- A bug which prevented display of certain valid transactions in the Web Hosting and Domain control panel's Billing History tool has been fixed.
- A bug which prevented creation of non-POP forwarding accounts has been squished.
- The Email Manager Import tool has also been cleaned up and improved.
- Apache module "Expires" (mod_expires) has been activated, correcting a bug which would cause ExpiresActive, ExpiresType, etc .htaccess directives to fail
with a 500 Internal Server Error. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_expires.html
- Further updates have been made to SSL Certificate tool and ordering processes.
- It is now possible to order and renew SSL certificates for one or two years. Two year SSL will be discounted by 15%, so you can save more and renew less!
- The Error Log (and others) now have a "Newest Entries" button to jump to the most recent entry.
- The SSL Certificate tool has been upgraded.
- - Upon CSR/KEY creation, the directory /.well-known/pki-validation/ will be created for use in HTTP validation through our
provider GlobalSign® . This will make it easier for support (or you) to quickly validate new SSL certificates.
- - Previously created Private Key files (located in /storage/ssl/ will now be automatically detected and inserted into the
"Install" form.
- - After SSL is installed, GlobalSign® clients can now use the button on the "Root Chain" page to quickly install the required intermediate
certificate, and complete SSL installation.
- As it is part of an upcoming Debian upgrade, and if all goes well in testing...
PHP 7.3 is just around the corner.
*Newer versions of PHP (7+) are far more backwards-compatible and forgiving then previous versions, but changes may still be needed.
- DNS address length limits have been updated to allow for -much- longer entries (in the Domain Registration Control Panel, and various forms).
- A small bug in Webmail that could cause some folders to be partially obscured has been corrected.
- File Manager has been updated to allow access to the logs/ system directory. (above /httpdocs)
This was previously hidden and only accessible via FTP.
Since it was not restricted and valuable information can be gained, we decided to allow direct access to it in the domain root.
Note: This directory contains important files, such as:
- access_log - this file contains your primary site visits and should be treated carefully. It's not able to be deleted here, but it is
also the source of your site Access Log and Traffic Statistics information.
It's carefully, automatically curated, but be wary of manual edits (not recommended, but not deadly).
- error_log - Just like its name, this is the source of Error Log, an excellent source of information, and also protected.
- youraddon.com - Your addon domains will each have their raw access logs in this format. The same applies.
- youraddon.com.error - Previously, unavaible, but endlessly usefull, this is your addon domain error log.
Access to these files should help with errors, troubleshooting, and provide additional site information -- we think this is a good thing.
Feel free to empty the error_log or youraddon.com.error files if they are bloated. The nightly CUSTODIAN does this
automatically, but sometimes you want fresh, uncluttered data. Highlight what you want, delete it, and then Save the changes. *poof*
(!) Just remember, while these files are all auto-generated, removing them (specifically the access_log) may alter your stats.
- Network Tools has been updated with an extensive list of WHOIS lookup servers to improve results and availibility.
- The Email Manager import tools have been updated to fix a minor bug, where email addresses that were
actually successfully imported, were being reported as an error (cosmetic)
- Several Logout landing pages have been added to various 4Admin™ control panels to provide a 'cleaner' exit.
- Webmaster's Support Center, several control panels, forms, and general systems have received additional (ongoing)
upgrades to continue to improve overall function as well as increase mobile accessibility.
- The Debian Linux kernel has received an important security update which addresses several potential exploits,
such as those listed in the recent CVE
- The 4Admin™ CUSTODIAN's nightly server and user logs (directory) cleanup/purge functions have been improved.
ex: error_log will now be purged at 100k (prev 500k)
- All new databases will now have the 'create temporary tables' privilege granted to them.
Note: This only applies to databases created -after- this update. If you have an existing databases that needs this privilege, please contact support.
- The Debian Linux kernel, Bind DNS, and several other common libraries have received a package security update.
- SourceGuardian 11.3, a PHP loader for running encrypted source code has been installed and is now
available for use.
- The control panel (i.e. https://210.webmasters.com/4admin) and several other system control panels, such as Domain Registration, have also received small updates.
- The "Parking" type login has also been removed from /4admin as it is deprecated. This will also prevent login failures if it is accidentally chosen.
- A rare, potential issue was identified in Webmail when using Primary Client mode (an 'older' setting).
If you have any difficulties, please use Preferences-> Check While Away to continue to be able to receive mail at this time.
- Webmail's Compose (and some others) function has been updated, specifically, to work better on mobile devices.
- Several other tools have also been updated: Hotlink Protection, HTML Analyzer, Index Manager, Traffic Blocking and Support Center.
- As the New 4Admin™ beta has officially ended, and many of the utilities have received updates during that time period, there were
many '(*)' (upgrade) status indicators present on the main page. To that end, and to clean up the interface, we will be periodically 'resetting' and
removing them to reflect newer updates, such as those which will come after what is mentioned above.
- phpMyAdmin (the Database Manager) has been updated to v4.8.5
This update and adjustment should take care of a rare session bug which would sometimes prevent login to the utility.
- After the last few updates (and really, for a while now) the new 4Admin™ server platform is no longer considered to be in beta!
The "beta" bar will remain (now as Server Information), and continue to give update information.
Updates and modifications will continue, as will development into new and better tools.
We want to thank all of our clients who worked with us during this period to identify bugs and for sticking with us while we squashed them.
The future is looking bright.
- Apache, OpenSSL, and other server software(s) have received a Debian package security update and Debian has been updated to v9.9.
- The Log Manager (Error, Access, FTP, and Mail Logs) has been updated.
The selected log will now identify a (growing) list of errors by service type (PHP, Apache, system).
Select the "(!) Detected Errors <<" indicator or any individually highlighted error from the selected
log to review for explanation and possible causes and or solutions.
- Several security upgrades have been made to 4Admin™ to help prevent against potential exploits.
- The 4Admin™ nightly CUSTODIAN has been upgraded to include GUARDIAN, which improves system protections.
- Some of these upgrades also involve changes to PHP execution allowances, and while -most- clients should not see any difference,
if you have PHP scripts that are not being executed, make sure that their code is within the allowed PHP open_basedir path.
This path is able to be seen by going to PHP Manager and using "View All PHP Configurations", located under "core".
The Error Log can provide very detailed information on script failure, and if the issue persists, please contact Support.
- File Manager has been updated to address a bug with certain HTML files not loading. This should address a previous bug
with certain characters, etc. Please let us know if you're unable to open any valid files.
- Several control panel tools have been made more mobile friendly and improvements continue.
- Disk Usage has been updated and is now available. This tool gives you a picture of all of your disk usage, per type
(web/mail/database) and per file. This information is currently updated every 3 days.
- The 4Admin™ AutomatiCRON has been updated to address an issue with user Scheduled Scripts (CRON) execution.
We recommend that you check and or re-enter any non-functional cron scripts to make sure they are correct.
Make sure the correct full location (httpdocs/ or cgi-bin/) directory is included in the command path.
- The Webmasters's Support Center has received an upgrade to provide better ticket handling, tracking and notification.
- The Import function of the Email Manager has been been updated to address a bug.
- Access Control has been updated and is now available. This tool lets you create secondary control panel users with limited
privileges. i.e. A web developer or employee can be limited to prevent access to Change Password, etc.
- FTP has been updated to properly allow SSL connections.
Please use 210.webmasters.com and Explicit FTP over TLS*, Passive (PASSV) Transfer Mode, port 21.
with your FTP (or primary account) username and password. Please note that FTPS will not work.
* These settings work perfectly with the highly recomended and easy to use
Filezilla FTP program.
- An update has been made to the general email system and PROCESSOTRON service to better help prevent incoming spam floods.
- CUSTODIAN has been updated to better handle log file cleanup.
- The Change Password tool has been updated to fix a bug preventing proper allowed password entry.
- Serveral other tools have received updates in the ongoing "facelift" project.
- Domain Registration control panels, transfer, registration, re-seller sign-up and other systems have been updated to better
accommodate PHP 7 accounts.
- Links to the
Hosting Account Management control panel,
Support Center,
and the Knowledge Base
have been added to the Hosting Control Panel.
- A bug that was preventing CGI execution (32/64bit) has been fixed.
- Debian Linux has received a minor update to PHP 7 (7.0.30-0+deb9u1 -> 7.0.33-0+deb9u3)
- Wordpress and Joomla Autoinstallers have been updated with more information and to provide smoother version upgrades.
- This log has been reorganized for better clarity (application updates are no longer separate)
Happy New Year!
- An issue which was preventing some users from sending mail and or locking some accounts for abuse has been solved. An update has been made
to CUSTODIAN which should prevent this is in the future. Note: This will not prevent accounts from being temporarily locked for abuse, but
should prevent incorrect anti-abuse measures and allow user-resolution, which usually just involves reseting your email account password.
- The previous character fix for File Manager has been reverted due to technical issues and causing more problems than it solved. It will have
to be revisted at a later date.
- A IMAP bug which prevented using SSL has been fixed. For best results, use 210.webmasters.com as your IMAP SSL (incoming) server.
- Some small updates have been made to make the Webmail and control panel login pages a little more mobile friendly.
- Recommended email client connection settings have been added to the main page of Email Manager for easy reference.
- Some drop down menus, such as the "Select a Function" in File Manager will now auto-activate upon selection (No need to click "GO").
Various other menus will receive the same treatment in due course where appropriate.
- Fixed a potential bug in Webmail functions in regards to POP connections.
- Fixed a bug in File Manager which prevented some .htm/.html pages with special character codes ("�" instead of the more modern
"©" for example) from loading into the edit window. To workaround this, "�" will now show up as "?" - as the text (for viewing) is
decoded into basic characters. The best way to make sure those symbols always show up online is to edit your code to use the HTML, such as
("& copy ;" (no spaces) to give you the Copyright symbol.
- Debian Linux has been updated to v9.8:
(python, and other packages have also received minor updates) --> Please see Server Specs for full details.
- Fixed a bug with SSI (server side includes) for perl script execution. (rename .cgi scripts to .pl if you encounter any issues)
- Installed the 'imap' PHP extension
- CUSTODIAN has been updated and will now clean (spam@ spam.user@) mailboxes of all email 7 days or older.
All existing 7+ days spam has also been purged.
- The 4Admin™ nightly CUSTODIAN is now working with TRAFFIC COP collecting and displaying your website traffic statistics in
Traffic Statistics.
With this update, the New 4Admin™ Control Panel is nearing its beta completion!
All in all, apart from a few remaining items - it is already there.
- The Database Manager tool has been updated to fix a bug which prevented proper login and sometimes caused session errors.
It now takes you directly to the phpMyAdmin login page (which is the same as the direct database login page:
https://210.webmasters.com/mysql/) to manage your databases.
10/22/18 - *in progress*
- The 4Admin™ nightly CUSTODIAN is now on the job! To begin, there will be regular cleanup of your server (Access/Error) logs,
with more on the way - all designed to keep everything ship-shape and tidy.
- Hosting administrative functions such as Billing, Support Center, Add Options, additional account access, and all other tools are available
by logging into the new Hosting Account Management control panel from the main Webmasters login page:
https://www.4admin.com (left-hand, "WEB HOSTING LOGIN" box, same username/password)
All files and web hosting content are still accessed either through the "Hosting Control Panel" link at the top of that page or from the direct
server login that you have been using at:
Tip: You can also use Settings at the very bottom of the Hosting Account Management panel to link to the login of your domain
registration or other accounts. This will then let you jump right to them by using the tools under Other Accounts.
- We have also installed a work-around for the Spam Filter bug that was recently reported (failure to generate code image when requested)
which will allow mail that was flagged as possible spam to again be sent through the form.
09/14/18 - *in progress*
- New 4Admin™ / PHP 7 based Hosting Control Panels are receiving a gradual facelift and will now be more visibly
polished as well as distinguished from our Legacy server accounts. (We apologize as this is not yet finalized and may fluctuate).
- PHP 7 accounts can now be ordered and automatically set up!
- Fixed a minor bug in Coming Soon pages.
- Newly created accounts will now have a proper, placeholder, "Coming Soon" index page.
- Virtual/Managed Server Admin control panels should now correctly allow 6-15 character passwords when creating domains.
- The 4Admin™ AutomatiCRON should now automatically restart Apache (and other services) as needed within 5-15 minutes,
for example, after a SSL Certificate is installed.
- Increased the server default PHP values for post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to 200M as they are often
requested for program function.
To see these and other current (and server default) PHP values, please use
PHP Manager -> [View All PHP Configurations].
- Bug fixes and minor updates have been made to Webmail and the Forwarding/Redirect systems.
If there was (or is) an issue, please use the Redirect URL tool and click [Save] to "reset" the Forwarding/Redirect system.
If the issue persists, use the Addon Domains tool to create (and delete) a fake, parked addon and the reset will definitely complete.
- Databases will now have the "Lock Tables" privilege granted by default. This will fix some problems with some newer
application versions, such as Joomla! having permission issues.
- The Database Admin tool has been updated with a new [Export] function.
This will create a .sql file backup in /storage/databases/(name of database)/ (above /httpdocs) which can be used
to restore a damaged database and can easily be downloaded to your computer from File Manager or through FTP.
- The Addon Domains Email [Import] function now also looks for the exported mailbox file in httpdocs/
- The qMailer Mailing List Manager has been updated and is now available.
Please note that the new version uses a different URL for administration than the previous version.
Additional information is available in the Autoinstaller.
- Corrected a bug which could cause incorrect IP display in the control panel and some tools, such as DNS Manager.
- Joomla! 3.8.5 is now available
- Fixed a bug which prevented generation of CSR and KEY files for purchasing new SSL certificates.
The tool now also stores the csr.txt and key.txt in /storage/ssl (above /httpdocs) for safe keeping.
- Corrected an issue with SMTP authentication. Please make sure SMTP authentication is enabled in your email client.
- The Linux kernel (on all servers) received a security upgrade and only required a quick reboot.
- The Email Manager [Import] function now looks for an exported mailbox file in httpdocs/
This file can be exported from another server and then uploaded with File Manager or FTP.
Import will then detect the file presence and offer a new [Click to Import!] button.
- The Upgrades Log (this!) is now active, but you already knew that. ;)
- Fixed a bug in the Addon/Forwarding system which was preventing proper function of forwarded URLs and Webmail, etc
- Fixed a bug in File Manager which prevented the HTML Editor from loading
- The New Universal DNS system has been installed
Webmasters now uses the same (4) DNS for all domains - this new system is faster and easier to maintain and use.
The new DNS are listed below.
This is the DNS to use at your domain name registrar (including us) to point your website to Webmasters's servers.
- The DNS Manager has been updated - DNS defaults updated / NS information added - zone box resized
- Control panel updated with new DNS and other useful information (see side panel)
- Auto Reply Form has been updated and is now available in the Autoinstaller
- A bug which prevented Webmail copy/move/delete function has been fixed
- Updated File Manager to fix a HTML/PHP code "bleed" bug when HTML textarea elements were present which prevented proper usage
- Updates to SSL, Apache, PHP, redirects and other basic control panel function
- Control panel updated:
added (*) indicator to show which apps have been updated
added (x) to indicate which may not yet properly function
added a Wordpress tool to the main page for ease of access
03/01/18 - Welcome to the New 4Admin™ Beta!
This is the unveiling of our new server platform which includes several updated and upgraded core software versions:
Debian 9.4 (custom)
Apache 2.4.25
PHP 7.0.27
MariaDB 10.1.26 (MySQL compatible)
TLS 1.2
OpenSSL 1.1
- The Autoinstaller has been streamlined, slimmed down and upgraded
- ZenCart has been updated to 1.5.5f and is now available
- Drupal has been updated to 8.4.4 and is now available
- OsCommerce has been updated to and is now available
- Wordpress has been updated to version 4.9.4 and is now available
*Please note: Not -all- changes are logged and update frequency is at the discretion of the admins and development team.
Dates given may be approximate depending on content and other factors.